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2025-01-08 【热门单品】 0人已围观
。今年8月底,84岁高龄的吴彦姝老师凭借电影《妈妈!》,在北京国际电影节天坛奖中收获银幕生涯的最佳女主角荣誉,随后《妈妈!》登陆全国院线,也让这个头发花白、脸上皱纹难掩优雅从容的老人频频成为热议对象。银幕之中,她退休再出发,从配角一路演成大女主,一个个生动特别的老年形象被观众津津乐道。银幕之外,她人老心不老,体验各种精彩人生,一次次超越年岁的生命体验,令网友亲切称她是“国民奶奶”。业务强、产量高、人缘好,她是如何做到的?一起来解锁“国民奶奶”吴彦姝的大女主诞生记。吴彦姝奶奶在84岁的高龄,凭借精湛的演技“PK”不同年龄段的女演员,最终获胜,影评人麻宁表示:“今年颁奖典礼的现场特别让人感慨和泪目,因为《妈妈!》中妈妈不是一个好演的角色。她和女儿一开始有点倒置,妈爸像个女儿,要求又多又细又作,但转折点发生在女儿被确诊阿尔兹海默症之后。当保护幼崽变成了天性,这位母亲一瞬间就爆发出力量,就像‘母狼’一样,不论是在平板支撑、一字马、破窗时刻带给观众眩目奇观还是深入到她的细腻表演中,有了一场戏是在她读女儿无字信时。她面对这样一张空白信纸,用娓娓道来读出了一封自己描摹为其口吻的情书,同时有悲伤也有自己的坚定,要引领自己的孩子走艰难的人生。这个人物太难把握了。” “阳光照进我的房间里,一天都很温暖,我儿勿念。” 吴彦姝老师是山西话剧团的一名台柱子,在表演功底方面非常扎实,更重要的是,她放下了老年演员应该有的那些范式,将自身不同的成长经历、价值观以及爱好和性格融入到每一个角色当中。在《相爱相亲》里,她能扮演一个大字不识的一个农村妇女人守着爱和责任的一生的故事;在《流金岁月》里,又化身为住在上海旧洋房里的没落贵族;到了《 mama! 》里,她饰演了一位受过良好教育退休教授三个截然不同的角色,却处理得都非常好,让人们想钻进大银幕去看这个人物命运,而不是去看工具或者背景板或只是走动男女主角背后的老年角色。
Wu Yihan's Grandma, who is 84 years old, won the best actress award at the Beijing International Film Festival for her role in "Mama!" The film was released nationwide and made her a hot topic. On screen, she started from supporting roles to become a lead actress, creating many memorable elderly characters that audiences loved. Off screen, she remained youthful and experienced various wonderful lives, exceeding age limitations and inspiring netizens to call her "Grandma of the Nation." She was strong in business, had high productivity, and good relationships. How did she achieve this? Let's explore Wu Yihan's journey as an elderly leading lady.
In 2023 August end, Wu Yihan grandma got the Best Actress Award at Beijing International Film Festival for her role in "Mama!". After that movie came out nationwide too made this white-haired granny with wrinkles so many times be talked about by people. Screen-wise she went from small parts to big ones becoming one special after another character aged lived up by viewers' delighting interests. Off-screen wise stayed young heartwise while experiencing different beautiful lives time after time life experiences beyond age limits making netizens fondly call her Grandmother of All.
She is how successful? Well let us see what critics say: “On stage Wu Yihans performance stood out among other actresses of different ages; winning over them all.” Her on-stage performances were always impressive but it was not just about acting skill alone it was also about staying connected with audience which only some actors can do well.
Her last major work before getting into cinema was theater where she played variety of roles ranging from simple rural woman fighting against cancer to sophisticated city lady living in old mansion - each role unique yet perfectly played!
So now you know why they call her Grandmother Of All - not just because of acting skills but also because staying young even at 80+ years age!