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2025-02-24 明星街拍 0人已围观

简介我在众多服装单品中,最心仪的就是白衬衫了,因为它是最值得投资的单品,是百搭首选。下面就拿最受欢迎的两款宝姿Ports白衬衫来简单分享下白衬衫的不同穿法吧。 先说说这款宝姿Ports白衬衫,它属于绑带领长款衬衫,采用的是桑蚕丝弹力面料,这种面料属于真丝面料的一种,柔软又透气,摸上去滑滑的,又有一股弹性在;看上去有缎面般的光泽,穿着非常舒适显气质。H型廓形更能显出它的完美版型,做到了尺寸合身




这款宝姿Ports白-sleeve采用不规则立领设计,是-boutique Ports经典款,100%纯棉-face, wear comfortable and atmospheric. Same H-type silhouette but with multiple details different from traditional designs such as irregular collar design, extended arc sleeve cuffs, hidden collar and hem flounce designs, making this-boutique Ports white shirt stand out.

Now let's talk about styling. Do you know that white shirts have a nickname called "the ultimate fashion accessory" because it is the most versatile and stylish four-season essential. White shirts can be paired with wide-leg pants for a perfect office look without being too formal or casual. Besides pairing with wide-leg pants, they also go well with jeans and mini skirts to create the best "casual good match". They can even be combined with various dresses and jackets like short dresses, long dresses, umbrella skirts, fishtail skirts, windbreakers, denim jackets or blazers to harmoniously mix-and-match styles ranging from cute girl-next-door to sweet beauty to elegant charm or masculine charm... all at your fingertips! So having several white shirts in your wardrobe is absolutely not wrong.

In summary,because of its versatility and timeless appeal,a few high-quality white shirts are always worth investing in for any wardrobe.

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